Tuesday, April 26, 2011

imPROMPTuesdays! - June guidelines for Underwired Magazine

So, good news: another of my personal essays will appear in Underwired Literary Magazine, a bossome publication based in Louisville. The May issue was about "Ah-ha Moments" and if you read my blog post, "Momma Knows Best," then you'll know what to expect in print.

And now, we near the June deadline. I've been horrible about submitting to Underwired (or anywhere) since my son was born, so let's use the last Tuesdays of each month to hold each other accountable. I know a lot of you respond to my blog with narratives of your own and a lot of you write. Well, tell your stories... and get paid!

Okay, you can go to Underwired's Website for submission guidelines; but here on the trusty blog, you can read about the June theme. We've got til Saturday night to turn something in, so get crackin'. 

Here's the prompt:

June The Office Issue
workaholic, glass ceilings, dream job/job from hell, 9-5, water cooler gossip, office politics, annoying co-workers, corner office, retirement

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