Mike Brown has been a friend of mine for a few years. He's a big reader and lover of the arts. A genuine guy and one of my earliest Twitter followers. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the one and only, Party In A Can, Mike Brown.
Me: What's your favorite book? I'm talking all time, here.
MB: The Brothers Karamazov. It has everything! It is simultaneously a courtroom drama, a murder mystery, romance, and philosophical treatise. It's one of the most profound explorations of the nature of humanity's relationship to God anywhere in literature. There's a lot in there about the intensity of relationships between fathers, sons, and brothers. The characters are so completely developed that Dostoevsky convinces you that you're developing your own relationship with them. Truly something for every one in that one.
Me: I'm visiting your hometown today, one day only. What can't I miss?
MB: Cumberland Falls of course! Located in a wide arc in the Cumberland River, she's the "Niagara of the South" and about ten miles from the house where I grew up in Corbin, KY. Depending on the rainfall, she can slow to a trickle, or become this massive cataract you have to shout to be heard over from two-hundred feet away. It's just a really pretty spot. The road leading down to the park from town is this long, slow, meandering affair. Drop offs on either side of the road make it seem as if you're traveling level with the tops of the trees. When Xander, my girlfriend's son, wants to take a picnic down there, he'll say, "Let's go to the tree tops!"
Me: Who are you following on Twitter right now that would surprise your friends? #GuiltyPleasures
MB: Ke$ha. She of the dance/pop hits "Tik Tok," "We R who we R," and "Take it Off." Have you seen her videos? She seems to live the kind of rockstar life that guys like Keith Richards use to live and I find it really fascinating that someone can just give themselves over so completely to that; the seedier side of musical fame we all imagine. But most of my friends will never buy that. They'll just assume I'm singing her stuff in the shower or in the car on my way to class or something.
There you have it, folks. A glimpse into the life of Mike Brown. You can follow him on Twitter @MikhailSolonsky (oh! and follow me, too if you don't already). I'll definitely check out The Brothers Karamazov, add the Cumberland Falls to my bucket list, and start following Ke$ha for at least this week in tribute to you. Thanks for being the guinea pig on the Tuesdays blog posts!
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