The plot follows sixteen-year-old London through her junior year, but only day by day. London remembers, but not the way you or I remember. Due to a traumatic incident as a young girl, she only remembers forward. So, for example, since her mother and best friend are found in her future memories, she recognizes them immediately; but if she's just had an encounter with someone she'll never see again, it's as if that encounter never existed. That means she has to leave herself notes every night before she goes to bed so that when she wakes up with only the memories of a future she will have, she can fill in the blanks of memories she's already had. Of course this can get tedious, so each day brings boundless missteps and certain uncertainty.
When I tried explaining the plot to my husband as I was reading, he didn't get it. I don't know if that was me not explaining it well enough or if a person just has to read the book to get it. Either way, the back cover doesn't lie: part psychological drama, part romance, and part mystery, Forgotten really does make you question the what-ifs in life and encourage you to control your own destiny. (There were many moments when I wanted to shake London and say, "Change it! You know what's to come [especially with adorable and dreamy Luke] so you can change it!") And I've found myself thinking about London even after the last page, wanting to know more, thinking about her family and her future, and wondering if her memory ever readjusts itself, which is always the mark of a good book.
I enjoyed this book so much. I loved diving into London's world, and I think that if the reader will commit fully to this unique way of remembering, then they will enjoy it, too. I will say that one part I really loved was meeting Luke... again and again and again... because due to another traumatic incident (this one in his future) her mind blocked him altogether. It never got old feeling my breath catch with London's every time she first met him.
Cat Patrick's YA novel Forgotten is available June 2011. It sold to Paramount even before its release date, which is pretty bossome if you ask me. Hailee Steinfeld of True Grit fame has already signed on to play London. Cat Patrick is a fellow Little, Brown gal, so don't wait for the movie. Be sure to pick up Forgotten in a few months!
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