Okay folks. This week I chose Twitter Follower Becky Bennett for the blog cause a) she loves to read and b) she's sort of like my manager... and assistant. She's given me some killer ideas about the blog and it wouldn't be this rockin' without her. She's boss. She's awesome. She's bossome (more on that tomorrow). I give you, the one and only, Becky Bennett.
Me: What's your favorite book? I'm talking all time, here.
BB: I know it's a cheesy or cliche answer, but my favorite book is Catcher in the Rye. Maybe it was just me, but if I was forced to read a book in school, it was almost always an automatic dislike. Some sort of rebellious "damn the man" mentality. "They think this book will enrich me? I'll show them! I'll hate it!" Well, along came Salinger. And I actually found myself enjoying this book. Looking forward to the next week's assignment and discussion. Perhaps (gasp!) even reading ahead??!?!?!?! Is that possible? Something about Holden Caufield grabbed hold of me and hasn't let go. I think especially living in the city now and sort of having my own story has really made me fall in love all over again.
I've gone as far as to save a website on my favorites that contains a ton of Holden Caufield quotes. Went back to that today to try and sound inspired in my interview. Know what I found? “Chapter 3: What really knocks me out is a book that, when you're all done reading it, you wish the author that wrote it was a terrific friend of yours and you could call him up on the phone whenever you felt like it.” Now you know (as my friend and also an author) that I agree with this statement 100% as it's actually become true in my life. Holden and I have the same sentiments about stuff and that's pretty cool.
Seriously think I'm going to read this again this week. Thanks for reminding me.
(As a sidenote, I am currently going back and re-reading some of these classics that we were force-fed in high school and discovering that they weren't so terrible after all.)
Me: I'm visiting your hometown today, one day only. What can't I miss?
BB: OK, I'm going to ask you to come to Freehold on a Sunday. We'll have breakfast at Perkins on Rt. 9. Now there is nothing special about this particular Perkins... except that I worked here for 9 years! The owners are great and were really good to me through high school and college, so we'll go there. Then we'll go to my hometown church, First Baptist on the corner of Manalapan Ave. and Main. We'll have lunch at Sorrento's Subs - the greatest sandwiches you'll have in your entire life. Entire. Life. We'll hang out in Freehold for the day, see some peeps, little tour, then end up back on Main Street. We'll enjoy some Federici's Pizza while we sit outside in the cafe-like setting that downtown Freehold becomes in the Spring/Summer. Fed's is a family owned place that's been in Freehold forever if you ask me and has a super-thin crusted pizza. It's even our favorite son, Bruce Springsteen's, top choice if he's in town. After dinner we'll head over to Jersey Freeze for dessert. Soft serve ice cream at it's best. I'm sure the line will be out the door, but we won't mind waiting because we'll run into at least 5 people we know and get some time to catch up with old friends. Maybe you could even come for Memorial Day weekend and stay over for Monday morning's Memorial Day parade, reminding you that small town America is amazing and absolutely alive in Freehold, NJ. (I just re-read this answer and realized that you said that YOU were going to my hometown for a day...but I've invited myself to join you. Welcome!)
Me: Who are you following on Twitter right now that would surprise your friends? #GuiltyPleasures
BB: No brainer - MC Hammer. I'm still not quite sure why I'm following him, but I can tell you that he had a fabulous birthday last week! He retweets some really fabulous stuff. Sometimes it's an inspiring quote, sometimes a shoutout to an appearance on TV, sometimes a recommendation of a movie or TV show or song, but the Hammer is really active on Twitter and has been entertaining me on a daily basis for weeks now. And there has been more than one occasion where the mere sight of his name has brought me back to high school and the jams of my youth. #ucanttouchthis #pleasehammerdonthurtem #toolegittoquit
Dude, I can't believe I called you boss in my intro and then you mentioned The Boss in one of your answers. Is everyone from Freehold bossome? Thanks for the peek inside Bennett-ville. I've never read Catcher in the Rye (gasp, shock, I know) but will get right on it. It's always been one of those books that I say, "Oh, I've been meaning to read that" when it comes up in conversation. I can't wait for a Freehold extravaganza, and I'm totes adding MC Hammer to my Twitter account in your honor. Everybody follow Becky Bennett on Twitter @producerbecky (and follow me, too while you're at it). Happy Tuesday, tweeple!
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