(Note: I still haven't solved this problem and now understand why my dad was notorious for picking up slang during my formative years and dropping it inappropriately in front of boys I liked. I hope to embarrass my own kids like that one day... and the video below might very well serve that purpose.)
So anyway, I wanted to throw Jerrod a huge surprise birthday party. I shocked him with plane tickets home to Kentucky that morning, invited 70 of his friends to the party, rented out the dance space from our wedding reception, and got it catered. I wanted it to be a really fun party and didn't want him to feel old, I wanted him to feel young and hip, so I thought it would be bossome to learn the Superman dance (it was a craze at the time, ok? don't judge me) and teach it to everybody at the party.
One problem: I didn't know the dance.
So I turned to the trusty YouTube channel and found loads of videos. Everybody and their momma had uploaded videos teaching the world this dance phenomenon, so I chose a few of my favorites and practiced in our 399 sq. ft. apartment in Queens until I considered myself a pro. I practiced and practiced. I was sweating it out, but I gotta tell you, I felt young and fresh and smokin' when I did that dance... by myself... in my apartment. I was at least as good as the guys on the instructional video dancing in the bed of a dry swimming pool.
However, the way you feel on the inside is not always how you appear on the exterior, so without further ado, here is the paparazzi footage from that evening. My favorite part is my husband and his buddy Chadwell freestyling halfway through. 100% boss.
So here's my jam this Thursday! Way back from 2008.
(click the video to see bigger version)
I don't know if I should be mortified or just feelin' straight gangsta because I have such a bossome friend!
You plan the bossest parties Alecia. I was heartbroken to have missed this one. Just too far away. :(
Kinda wanna learn this dance now, though.
Your bossome bro is in the back left crankin' dat.
Your bossome brother is in the back left crankin dat. Feel me!?!
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