Monday, November 15, 2004

leaving behind

... a country road that curves around fields speckled with green, orange, rust, yellow -- winding its way home -- begging me to follow

... a boyfriend whose mouth lingers around my face, nibbling my neck and ears - full, deep, pink lips murmuring his 'please don't leave me's while kissing the tears off my cheekbones

... a father who says he'll pay for my wedding -- and who desperately wants grandkids

... a mother who thinks my dreams will come true

... a younger brother who still looks up to me, even though i took so much delight in tormenting his growing up years

... a younger sister who steps into my shadow as much as possible

... grandparents who never seem to age

... a pew full of people i know

... food that sticks to my ribs and goes down full -- too much food for too cheap price -- southern fried baked grilled broiled 'take your time stewin' it and take your time eatin' it' food

... everything that feels right -- everything that feels good -- everything that feels Home.

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