Happy Tuesday, Tweeple! Today's interview features my little sister (and newest Twitter follower) Bobbie Jo Whitaker. You will never run into her without finding a book somewhere on her person. She reads all the time, shocking some non-readers like my brother by re-reading favorites. Whether propped on the couch or bouncing along in a car, she's got her nose in a book. Bored with dinner conversation? Yes, it's true, I've even known her to read at the dinner table... in a restaurant. Besides being a fan of books, I've always known her to be a fan of mine. Hence, she was the perfect family member to interview on the blog. Without further ado, Miss Bobbie Jo Whitaker.
Me: What's your favorite book? I'm talking all time, here.
Me: What's your favorite book? I'm talking all time, here.
BJW: Oh wow. This is a crazy difficult question. There are books that I’ve read so many times that I’ve torn the bindings but they’re not necessarily my favorite books. I think I have to go with Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card. It follows an extremely intelligent young boy named Ender Wiggin as he is pushed through Battle School. Battle School is a place for gifted children to learn the art of war in order to beat the Formics; an alien race bent on destroying Earth. It sounds sci-fi and cheesy, but it’s definitely not. This is a book that I couldn’t put down and I find myself recommending to several people. While it is a standalone book I had to read the entire Ender series because Ender’s Game is so good. I hope you enjoy.
Me: I'm visiting your hometown today, one day only. What can't I miss?
BJW: While Cynthiana may not be an exciting metropolis, there is one attraction that has haunted me since my sister (you) first started working there many years ago. Rohs Opera House. Rohs is the local theater and one scary place, (especially for those at the tender age of eight who are helping their sister clean). The Lady in White (I believe her name to be Ethel) is a ghost that haunts the Opera House and likes to play tricks on its guests. She’s turned off lights, made noises, written messages on chalkboards, overturned chairs and has even been seen by a select few. We would definitely go to Rohs in the evening and see if the Lady would grace us with her presence.
Me: Who are you following on Twitter right now that would surprise your friends? #GuiltyPleasures
BJW: I feel as though the people I’ve tried to follow and yet failed would surprise my friends most. First I tried to go old school and follow MacGyver and Chuck Norris. I just knew that soon I’d be reading tweets about near death experiences that were narrowly avoided because of duct tape, paper clips, or a good old fashion roundhouse kick. But instead, all I found were posers and clichés. Then I tried to find someone I just discovered a few months ago…Antoine Dodson. He is somehow not on Twitter. Perhaps he is still chasing his really dumb homeboy, for real. After all of my endeavors sadly failed, I went back in time again. The newest catch word “bossome” has been stuck in my head lately and Tony Danza from Who’s the Boss came to mind. I clicked on his profile only to realize that he is now old, kind of lame, and that he has some of the most worthless tweets I’ve ever read. Needless to say, I did not follow him. I finally hit the jackpot with Brian Baumgartner who plays Kevin Malone on The Office. I feel as though he doesn’t get near enough credit on the show because he is absolutely hilarious. So there you go. Kevin Malone is my guilty pleasure.
Okay, first of all, I don't know how I've not read Ender's Game but consider it on my list. Secondly, yeah, Rohs Opera House is super scary, but it's also cool to think of all the history wrapped up in that place. I mean, folks used to watch opera there... opera! And lastly, I love that you not only joined Twitter for this interview, but also scoured the site for Chuck Norris. Ah-mazing. Thanks for the interview! Hey Tweeps, go Follow my sis @Beege64.
Okay, first of all, I don't know how I've not read Ender's Game but consider it on my list. Secondly, yeah, Rohs Opera House is super scary, but it's also cool to think of all the history wrapped up in that place. I mean, folks used to watch opera there... opera! And lastly, I love that you not only joined Twitter for this interview, but also scoured the site for Chuck Norris. Ah-mazing. Thanks for the interview! Hey Tweeps, go Follow my sis @Beege64.
I'm with you Bobbie Jo. I love the Ender's Game series. The author wrote a great article online about the media no longer being about investigating the truth but about toadying up to their favorite people. Alecia, if you want to borrow my Ender books I will happily lend them to you.
First of all, Jesse, THANK YOU for being a loyal blog follower and COMMENTER! Second, about borrowing Ender's Game, yes please.
Beeg hit the ball out of the park with this one. A-maz-ing. Bossome. Terrific.
Bobbie Jo is pretty cool for a closet bookworm...I had no idea!
I love that you interviewed Bobbie Jo!
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