Okay, so a big ol' load of bossomeness happened to me today. First, today was Knox's baby dedication at church and he was dressed to the nines! I don't need to tell you how adorable he was... (but I will)... The little man was decked out in a blue and yellow plaid button up with a blue sailboat vest on top and khakis. Can you say, Polo model? It was a gift from Gramma and Granddad, who drove up from Kentucky with my sister for the special occasion. And special it really was. The pastor asked us to pray for our son daily and guide him in his spiritual walk and set a Godly example. Whoa. Talk about feeling like a grown up! But seriously, it was a simple yet important family moment.

Second reason today was killer: I wore a pre-pregnancy dress to church today. Woo-hoo! I filled it out differently than before, (no, my hips are no longer lying), but I felt great. After I gave birth, my acting agent told me, "Nine months up and nine months down." Well, I'm not fit or in shape, but the little tyke is 9 months 2 weeks, and I'm squeezing back into the pre-Knox era clothes and feeling good about it.

Third thing that made today dope was my Mother's Day gift. Knox and his dad got me a Coke and bag of Snickers (my favorite snacks), about 15 new gel ink pens (cause Jerrod always steals mine), and best of all, a really nice card. I have to admit it, right here and now I'll tell you, I love words and I love compliments. Yes! Tell me I'm great and I'll love you forever! No, I know that may sound bad, but sometimes you just want to hear that the work you do every day is noticed. So it was nice to read a sweet note from my guys saying how much they love me and appreciate the little ways that I take care of them (and the big ways, too). Did I mention the card was in Spanish? My infant is a genius.
Lastly, the day was gorgeous. 70 degrees, my husband grilled out for us on the patio (bone-in pork chops, corn on the cob, steamed broccoli, biscuits, and fresh strawberries), and a nice walk to the park so we could take turns pushing Knox in the swing and riding down the kiddie slides with him in our laps. The definition of greatness was May 8, 2011.
(Also, I'm a mother. How is that possible? Like, seriously, I'm allowed to raise a child. Is that okay?)
Great time was had by all!! Nice weather and even nicer company! Thanks for inviting us up for this special occasion.
It was really special to be with you celebrating your first Mother's Day and being part of Knox's baby dedication.
I recognized the dress straight-away! Also, you are gorgeous...all this talk of "peaking" is nonsense. Love you!
This post made me all teary! You guys are so cute. Happy first Mother's Day!
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