Every now and then, a song hits the charts that you can't get out of your head. Back in the day, these were the songs that inspired me to jump up on stage or shake my booty extralicious (oh! new word!). Nowadays, these are the songs that I blare in my car and dance to at home, switching lanes on the BQE with spunk or bouncing around the house with the perfect mixture of percolation and personality. There are songs that move you and songs that you move to, and Dynamite by Taio Cruz falls into the latter category.
Click here to see the video on YouTube.
Now, once in a lifetime does one of your favorite songs find itself married to an unforgettable music video spotlighting your favorite team. Recently that's what happened to me when the University of Kentucky did a music video of sorts to this song incorporating athletes from every. single. sporting. team at the school. Over 200 athletes participated and the most incredible part is that they did it in ONE TAKE! One take people!
Professors could take note when trying to get their students to focus. These director/producers were able to convince over 200 student athletes into donating their sparse spare time to a video for the Catsby Awards that wouldn't serve them in any way but to show their friends/family. This wasn't for credit or mandatory by their coaches. It was just something they participated in for school pride/spirit and if you ask me, it's pretty doggone cool. Made me miss college... and my youth a little bit, too.
So Go Wildcats!
"I wanna celebrate and live my life!" This rules. I especially love the mascot doing the Dougie and the National Champion Rifle team showing off their trophy.
I saw Jorts! The person not the fashion statement!
I'm with you! I LOVE this song. Every time I hear I can't help but bust a move.
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