Thursday, April 14, 2005

It's official. I am sick.

Well, folks. The results are in. I am officially ill.

Today was my first visit to a doctor in New York. After looking up the providers covered by my health insurance, I ventured out of the house today and headed toward Queens Long Island Medical Center, about 10 blocks away. The day is nice. The sun is beating down, but it's still a bit brisk; maybe 55 degrees.

I haven't been to the doctor in about 3 years, because I ran out of health insurance upon graduating college. I decide to go for the full shabang: general physical, question about neck mole, concern of new found cist on middle finger crease, reason behind the dark green and red muccus I've been coughing and spitting up since last Wednesday.

I didn't really know what to expect. When I made the appointment, I asked the receptionist to give me someone "who's not creepy". He suggested a nice man, Dr. Batra. My appointment was for 12:30, but after clearing my insurance and paying the copay, I still had to wait for 45 minutes. Dr. Batra kept apologizing, explaining that the man who was sitting behind me in the waiting room earlier was very poor and very sick. It was an emergency. This man was shivering and had a fever and kept shaking all over. I hadn't seen him, but I'd definitely heard his teeth chattering. I just figured he was just as nervous as I was for the girl on Ambush Make-Over, which was playing in the waiting room. (I was a little bummed when they finally called for me, as I was dying to see what Gerri looked like after the overhaul.)

Dr. Batra was very nice. I'm not sure exactly of his origin (maybe Indian or Bangladeshi?), but he had been to Owensboro, KY before, so I could tell upon hearing such information that we would get along fine. He asked me if I had any brothers or sisters and then if they were as pretty as me. A fine doctor indeed.

It turns out, however, that I have a cold. All my fears were validated. I knew I was sick! (It was like, as soon as he confirmed my illness, a since of pride washed over me for my own keen medical self-evaluation.) He gave me some sample antibiotics so I didn't have to pay a pharmacy fee and I'm on my first day of 5 to feeling better. He said the mole looked like a beauty mark to him -- completely harmless -- but that if I wanted, he could recommend a doctor to freeze it off. And the bump on my finger is apparently a cancerless bone cist that only surgery could remove, but that he feels is an unnecessary option.

So, all said, a pretty good trip to the doc. (Don't worry, I'll spare you the details when I visit the OB/GYN.)


Emily said...

Owensboro Kentucky breeds fine I think it's safe to assume that if you go there, you're great too!

I hope you feel better!

studpace said...

To avoid a cold and flu avoid touching the mouth, nose, ears, and especially the eyes and other peoples eyes.. They are all direct pathways for germs.

Gramma-Whit said...

I noticed Dr. Whitaker, aka, Dad, couldn't resist playing doctor again; i.e, "Remember to stay with the antibiotics for the full duration and not stop when you start feeling better."

It's nice to know some things don't change.