Tonight, Sardi's was packed. I mean, I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Somehow, I had about 40 people at one time, opening bottle after bottle of wine, carrying up trays of heavy food like a burro coming back up the Grand Canyon, trying to remember to smile. One of the waiters working downstairs kept coming upstairs and asking me to go down to talk to his table. He said they were begging him. They'd seen me on Ellen and just "had to meet me". And usually, I don't mind this at all - anyone who really knows me knows how much I love attention - but at that very point, I WAS BUSY! Super busy!
So finally, I raced down the stairs, nearly knocking over a man by the coat check, and appeared tableside in the downstairs dining room. I crawled over one man to squeeze into the corner of the booth, took lots of pictures with them, told them our story quickly, and excused myself to take care of my hungry tables upstairs. But when I turned to leave, my jaw dropped. Sitting at the table next to them was the ever so stunning George Clooney.
Makes me kinda wonder... You think George squooshed into the booth with them for a photo op? Think he autographed their menus? In fact, I wonder if they even asked him? I mean, I'm not so sure that HE'S been on the Ellen show...